Auto Loan Rates

Type Term APR1
New and Used Auto Loan2 Up to 96 Months 6.00% – 18.00%
Older Used Vehicle Loan3 Up to 84 Months 8.00% – 18.00%
Classic and Collectible Vehicle Loan4 Up to 84 Months 8.170% -17.391%
Classic and Collectible Vehicle Loan5 120 Months 7.915% – 16.950%


1. APR – Annual Percentage Rate is accurate as of  

2. Payment Example: A 60 month new/used auto loan with a 6.00% fixed APR would have monthly payments of $19.34 per $1,000 borrowed.

3. Payment Example: A 60 month older used vehicle loan with a 8.00% fixed APR would have monthly payments $20.28 per $1,000 borrowed.

4. APR disclosed based on an assumed loan amount of $10,000 and an estimated (non-refundable) appraisal fee of $175 for terms up to 12-84 months. Minimum loan amount $10,000. Maximum loan to value (LTV) is 90% of appraised value. Loan to value is based on creditworthiness, your LTV may vary. Payment Example: A 48 month classic & collectible vehicle loan with a 8.170% fixed APR would have monthly payments of $24.07 per $1,000 borrowed.

5. APR disclosed based on an assumed loan amount of $25,000 and an estimated (non-refundable) appraisal fee of $175 for a term of 120 months. Minimum loan amount of $25,000. Maximum loan to value (LTV) is 90% of appraised value. Loan to value is based on creditworthiness, your LTV may vary.  Payment Example: A 120 month classic & collectible vehicle loan with a 7.915% fixed APR would have monthly payments of $12.10 per $1,000 borrowed.


New and Used Camper Loan Rates

Type Term APR1
New and Used Camper Loan2 120-1803 Months 8.25% – 15.00%


1. APR – Annual Percentage Rate is accurate as of  

2. Payment Example: A 180 month new/used camper loan with a 9.75% fixed APR would have monthly payments of $10.60 per $1,000 borrowed.

3. Minimum loan amount of $25,000 required for 180 month term.


Signature Loan Rates

Type Term APR1
Signature Loan2 Up to 72 Months 9.00% – 18.00%


1. APR – Annual Percentage Rate is accurate as of  

2. Payment Example: A 48 month signature loan with a 9.00% fixed APR would have monthly payments of $24.89 per $1,000 borrowed.


Share Secure Loan Rates

Type Term APR1
Share Secured Loan2 Up to 180 Months 4.50%


1. APR – Annual Percentage Rate is accurate as of  

2. Payment Example: A 48 month share secured loan with a 4.50% fixed APR would have monthly payments of $22.81 per $1,000 borrowed.


Fuel Loan Rates

Type Term APR1
Fuel Loan2 12 Months 4.00%


1. APR – Annual Percentage Yield is accurate as of  

2. Payment Example: A 12 month fuel loan with a 4.00% fixed APR would have monthly payments of $85.16 per $1,000 borrowed.


Home Loans

Type Term APR1
Home Equity Term Loan Various terms available, please call your local office. Please call for current rate.
Home Equity Line of Credit Variable Please call for current rate.


1. APR – Annual Percentage Rate is accurate as of

2. New money to the credit union must be $25,000 to qualify for no closing costs. Should the no closing cost mortgage be closed or discharged within the first three years, the credit union may collect the third-party closing costs from the member that were waived when the loan was opened.

Approval depends on creditworthiness and other qualifications. Credit Union membership is required.


Christmas & Vacation Club Rates

Type Dividend Rate APY* Minimum Balance Required to Open Account
Christmas Club1 0.25% 0.25% N/A
Vacation Club1 0.25% 0.25% N/A


*APY- Annual percentage yield is accurate as of  . APY is subject to change, and may vary at any time. Rates may change after account opening. Fees may reduce earnings. A penalty may be assessed for early withdrawal.

1. Early withdrawal penalties may be assessed on share certificates, IRA’s, and club accounts.


Term Share Certificates Rates

Term Dividend Rate APY1 Minimum Balance Required to Open Account
6 month 2.75% 2.78% $1,000
1 year 3.25% 3.29% $1,000
2 year 2.75% 2.78% $1,000
3 year 2.75% 2.78% $1,000
4 year 2.75% 2.78% $1,000


1-APY- Annual percentage yield is accurate as of  . APY is subject to change, and may vary at any time. Rates will not change after account opening until the maturity date. Fees may reduce earnings. A penalty may be assessed for early withdrawal.


Traditional IRA/Roth IRA** Rates

Term Dividend Rate APY* Minimum Balance Required to Open Account
24 Months 2.75% 2.78% $1,000


*APY- Annual percentage yield is accurate as of  . APY is subject to change, and may vary at any time. IRA Accumulation and Roth IRA Accumulation rates may change after account opening. 24 Month IRA rates will not change after account opening until the maturity date. Fees may reduce earnings.

**A penalty may be assessed for early withdrawal.


IRA Accumulation Account** Rates

Dividend Rate APY* Minimum Balance Required to Open Account
0.25% 0.25% N/A


*APY- Annual percentage yield is accurate as of  . APY is subject to change, and may vary at any time. IRA Accumulation and Roth IRA Accumulation rates may change after account opening. 24 Month IRA rates will not change after account opening until the maturity date. Fees may reduce earnings.

**A penalty may be assessed for early withdrawal.

Roth IRA Accumulation Account** Rates

Dividend Rate APY* Minimum Balance Required to Open Account
0.25% 0.25% N/A


*APY- Annual percentage yield is accurate as of  . APY is subject to change, and may vary at any time. IRA Accumulation and Roth IRA Accumulation rates may change after account opening. 24 Month IRA rates will not change after account opening until the maturity date. Fees may reduce earnings.

**A penalty may be assessed for early withdrawal.


Regular Share Rates

Dividend Rate APY* Minimum Balance Required to Open Account
0.25% 0.25% $5.00


*APY- Annual percentage yield is accurate as of  . Minimum balance required to obtain APY is $0.01. APY is subject to change, and may vary at any time. Rates may change after account opening. Fees may reduce earnings.


Money Market Rates

Amount APY*
$2,500 - $9,999.99 0.50%
$10,000 - $49,999.99 1.26%
$50,000 - $99,999.99 2.27%
$100,000+ 3.29%


*APY- Annual percentage yield is accurate as of  . APY is subject to change, and may vary at any time. $2,500 minimum deposit required to open account and earn stated APY. Fees may reduce earnings. Dividends are compounded and credited quarterly. PGMFCU: Federally insured by NCUA.